don't postpone joy

Friday, August 19, 2005

diary of a psycho soccer mom

It never ceases to amaze me the depths that people will go to, to damage others. People really do thrive off of sucking from others, don't they? Melanie, that is YOUR juice. You do not have to share it, or turn it over unwillingly. Do NOT for one minute think that you have anything to be ashamed of.
Thank you for being an individual who is not afraid to be an actual individual. You deserve happiness, as do we all. Continue to enjoy whatever pleasures you seek out to be simple or otherwise...and know that life's joys were meant to be enjoyed, not sacrificed.
Deep breath. Peace.



At 19 August, 2005 09:45, Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, i saw that too daisy..its the second one in less than 30 days to let the assclowns of the world get to makes me very sad.

At 19 August, 2005 13:38, Blogger Thomcat said...

take care melanie ...

At 19 August, 2005 19:50, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...


At 19 August, 2005 23:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace, awesome.

Daisy, I'm so sorry, I forgot to put your link back on my blog when I reworked it. taking care of than right now.

At 22 August, 2005 06:48, Blogger daisyduke said...

I'm telling you...we just need to all buy houses on the same block...I'm oh so glad to see you again~

At 22 August, 2005 06:49, Blogger daisyduke said...

and thanks, you're awesome I blushing???


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